
Can I run during my mission and when do I receive my free code?

No! You must be 100% available during your volunteer assignment!


It is not possible to leave your post to run your race, even for an hour. Checking in and out is mandatory if you want to receive your free code.


However, you can volunteer one day and run the next day for free in exchange for your day.

This will depend on the code received.


  • I am a volunteer, I will use my code on another race during the season:
    When you sign out at the end of your day, the leader will email you a code that you can use or give to someone else. The code is not nominative.


  • I am a volunteer, I also participate in a race during the weekend.
    - If the race follows your volunteering, you can use your discount/free code directly. Tell the Volunteer Manager at the end of the day, he will give you a coupon that will allow you to register on the day of your race and thus benefit from your code during the weekend. 
    - If the race precedes your volunteering, you can ask for your code ON THE SPOT (the day before or the morning of your race) to the Volunteer Manager before your registration, he will give you a coupon that will allow you to register on the spot, you will be asked for a deposit check (of the amount of the race), the latter will be returned to you at the end of your volunteering.

To know : 

We always keep slots for our volunteers even if the waves Opens are full especially if you join a team :)

For the Elite and the Age Group, you can also register by following the procedure: registration first in Open then "Upgrade" by paying about 20 euros.

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